NBA 29/12/2006

Posted by: Platini

NBA 29/12/2006 - 29/12/2006 11:33

1:00 Orlando @ Washington

1:00 Chicago @ Toronto Raptors

1:00 L.A. Lakers @ Charlotte

1:30 New Jersey @ Miami Heat

1:30 Milwaukee @ Cleveland

2:00 Seattle @ Minnesota

2:00 Denver @ N.O./Okla. City

2:00 Indiana @ Detroit

2:30 Atlanta @ Houston

3:00 New York @ Phoenix

4:00 Philadelphia @ Portland

4:30 Boston @ Golden St.

4:30 Sacramento @ L.A. Clippers


Gospodarze na drugim miejscu.
Prosze podawać sensowne informacje.
Uprasza się o niepodawanie suchych typów.
Pomocne linki w przyklejonym temacie w dziale US Sports
Posted by: hooltek

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 29/12/2006 14:22

dzis piekan noc przed nami a w temacie cisza..

takim składem jakim dysponuje Washington to nie sadze aby przecietni Magicy ( na wyjazdach 7-7)
cos wyczarowali w tym meczu..Arenas w formie,do tego Butler,Haywood i Jamison mysle ze tez dorzuca swoje 3 grosze..kurs w granicach 1,40 biore to bez zastanowienia

Wczorajsza masówka weszla,dzis mysle ze Denver wygra z NYa nawet pokryje handicap,siedmiomam pkt wygrac bardzo realne,dlatego ze szpital w NY nie jest mały,nie gra 3 zawodników ,Stojakovic,West i Jackson,a wystep Chrisa Paul'a jest niepewny..wczoraj pokryli hc 8 dzis pokryja hc 6..licze na nich ,szczegolnie na Iversona i mysle ze zarobimy troche kasy na nich jak wczoraj
Posted by: hooltek

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 29/12/2006 14:27

w poscie u gory oczywiscie powinno byc NO Oklahoma a nie NY knicks,,przperaszma za blad
Posted by: Bodzio_KSG

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 29/12/2006 14:43

Toronto - Chicago

Ja osobiscie uwazam ze zdecydowanym faworytem tego meczu, mimo iz w meczach wyjazdowych niespisuja sie jakos rewelacyjnie sa Chicagowskie Byki. Miedzy innymi przemawia za nimi fakt iz wygrali kolejno 15!! spotkan z Toronto. Ostatnia porazka Bykow z tym rywalem miala miejsce 7 grudnia 2002 roku a jak wiadomo wtedy Byki delikatnie mówiac niezaliczani byli do grona faworytow, a wrecz przeciwnie outsaiderow calej ligi. Kolejnym atutem Bykow wedlug mnie jest fantastycznie spisujacy sie ostatnio Ben Gordon.

moj typ 2.
kurs. 1,7 TipSport
Posted by: Big Ben

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 29/12/2006 14:58

[quote=hooltek]dzis piekan noc przed nami a w temacie cisza..

takim składem jakim dysponuje Washington to nie sadze aby przecietni Magicy ( na wyjazdach 7-7)
cos wyczarowali w tym meczu..Arenas w formie,do tego Butler,Haywood i Jamison mysle ze tez dorzuca swoje 3 grosze..kurs w granicach 1,40 biore to bez zastanowienia

a ja zagram ORL z handim +6 \:p
świetna forma WAS to fakt, ale zmęczenie po wyjazdach na zachód musi przyjść.
ORL skompletowało znowu optymalny skład.Oni w przeciwieństwie do WASH mają DRUŻYNĘ.Wizards to "tylko" trzech grajków-Gilbert,Jamison i Butler-co prawda są to świetni gracze,ale we trzech nie jest tak łatwo ciągnąć wyniku w każdym meczu.
Magic to bardziej wyrównana ekipa(Hill,Howard,Turkoglu,Nelson,Battie,Arroyo,Milicić,Ariza,Dooling) i myślę że ten typ może być ciekawy
Posted by: hooltek

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 29/12/2006 15:13

jelsi chodzi o ten mecz to czuje male zwyciestwo Wash..i czuje tez under 211pts ..ostatnie mecze pomiedyz tymi druzynami na parkiecie Wash konczyly sie niskimi wynikami :
Washington Wizards 94 -82 Orlando Magic ,
Washington Wizards 87 -79 Orlando Magic ,
Washington Wizards 97- 103 Orlando Magic ,
Washington Wizards 106 -96 Orlando Magic ,
Mysle ze wkoncu passa overów sie skonczy i dzis jest na to okazja,tez to gram
Posted by: Big Ben

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 29/12/2006 15:47

no ja mam to właśnie w dubelku:
under 211
Magicy postawią mocną obronę i ekipa Arenas może nie zaszaleć.

Taka jest moja opinia do tego meczu
Posted by: hooltek

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 29/12/2006 16:06

Uzasadnienie: ostatnio jak byl mecz Indiana -Detroit,,lekka masówka na Det była i jak sie okazało wygrala Indiana..dzis mamy rewanz ..Deroit ich pojedzie ;\) 1,35zl ..swietny singielek 1860zl mamy 2511zł ;)..beda emocje dzis,zniecierpliwoscia czekam do 2.00 zobaczenai na qasi czaaaaaat..ide na piwko piatek wkoncu <piwo>
Posted by: Big Ben

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 29/12/2006 16:19

Originally Posted By: hooltek
Uzasadnienie: ostatnio jak byl mecz Indiana -Detroit,,lekka masówka na Det była i jak sie okazało wygrala Indiana..dzis mamy rewanz ..Deroit ich pojedzie ;\) 1,35zl ..swietny singielek 1860zl mamy 2511zł ;)..beda emocje dzis,zniecierpliwoscia czekam do 2.00 zobaczenai na qasi czaaaaaat..ide na piwko piatek wkoncu <piwo>

DETROIT BAKETBALL!!!!!!! ale nie zagrałem
Posted by: KUERTEN.

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 29/12/2006 20:43

Ogolnie to maja racje Ci co dzis graja WASHINGTON to bedzie prosta jedynka Orlando jesli ma taki sklad jak tam ktos pisal to nie powinno u siebie dostac batow za LALAKERS (LA dzien wczesniej latwa porazka z MIAMI)
Posted by: Big Ben

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 29/12/2006 20:46

Originally Posted By: KUERTEN.JG
Ogolnie to maja racje Ci co dzis graja WASHINGTON to bedzie prosta jedynka Orlando jesli ma taki sklad jak tam ktos pisal to nie powinno u siebie dostac batow za LALAKERS (LA dzien wczesniej latwa porazka z MIAMI)

nie "ktoś" tylko Big Ben !
pożyjemy zobaczymy, przecież ja się nie znam
Posted by: KUERTEN.

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 29/12/2006 20:51

dziwne dzis kursy sa na mecz MIAMI-NJERSEY stacjonarni faworyzuja MIAMI 1.65 (niezly mecz z LA) natomiast na iwetten widzialem na MIAMI 2.15, NJ dalo ostatnio przypal z Houston przegrana u siebie a wczesniej tez mieli takie wpadki
Posted by: Big Ben

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 29/12/2006 21:04

Originally Posted By: KUERTEN.JG
dziwne dzis kursy sa na mecz MIAMI-NJERSEY stacjonarni faworyzuja MIAMI 1.65 (niezly mecz z LA) natomiast na iwetten widzialem na MIAMI 2.15, NJ dalo ostatnio przypal z Houston przegrana u siebie a wczesniej tez mieli takie wpadki

w tym sezonie NJ straszna nędza
nie wiadomo jak Wade (no chyba że macie nowe info i są juz jakies konkrety)
Posted by: kamasss

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 29/12/2006 21:16

chętnie przyjmę każdą wiadomość odnośnie meczu

Minnesota - Seattle

mam zamiar zagrać na PONADDŹWIęKOWCóW...
wydaje mi się, że kurs atrakcyjny... a mecz do wygrania...
czas wkońcu coś wygrać na wyjeździe... a mogą napewno powalczyć...

kurs 4,00
jeżeli ktoś znalazł jakieś info byłbym wdzięczny...
Posted by: kolo z.g

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 29/12/2006 21:16

Wade nie gra oraz Posley....
to NBA....ale ja 6/10 NJN @2,50 TOTO-MIX
Posted by: Big Ben

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 29/12/2006 21:18

Originally Posted By: kolo z.g
Wade nie gra oraz Posley....
to NBA....ale ja 6/10 NJN @2,50 TOTO-MIX

Posey... \:\)

warto spróbować jeśli pewne info
Posted by: Big Ben

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 29/12/2006 21:20

Originally Posted By: kamasss
chętnie przyjmę każdą wiadomość odnośnie meczu

Minnesota - Seattle

mam zamiar zagrać na PONADDŹWIęKOWCóW...
wydaje mi się, że kurs atrakcyjny... a mecz do wygrania...
czas wkońcu coś wygrać na wyjeździe... a mogą napewno powalczyć...

kurs 4,00
jeżeli ktoś znalazł jakieś info byłbym wdzięczny...

zagrałem jednak na Leśne Wilki
ale mówiłem już nie znam się
Posted by: kolo z.g

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 29/12/2006 21:27

Pozdrawiam BIG BENA i resztę...dziś moje dziewidźtwo...
info od kumpla z USA....
zobaczymy rano...
jednak NJN grają mimo Cartera i J.Kida trochę słabo w tym sezonie...Majami po takich osłabieniach...typ wart ryzyka...
Posted by: Big Ben

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 29/12/2006 21:31

Originally Posted By: kolo z.g
Pozdrawiam BIG BENA i resztę...dziś moje dziewidźtwo...
info od kumpla z USA....
zobaczymy rano...
jednak NJN grają mimo Cartera i J.Kida trochę słabo w tym sezonie...Majami po takich osłabieniach...typ wart ryzyka...

no ja też jestem w sumie "nowy" \:p
Posted by: Boubson

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 29/12/2006 22:01

panowie czy jest gdzies oficjalnie ze wade nie gra czy to tylko info nowego kolegi ktory, moze, podkreslam, moze chciec zaistniec na tym forum w sposob sensacyjny i niesprawdzony... nie mam nic do kolo z.g po prostu zle doswiadczenia... pozdro
Posted by: kamasss

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 29/12/2006 22:04

BOUBSON patrząc na kursy

w naziemnych ~2,5
teraz na necie ~1,6-1,7

wygląda, że coś w tym jest...
ale wolałbym jakieś 99% oficjalne newsy... (lepiej zagrać na live ten mecz - na bwin ponoć jest)
Posted by: jarko 33

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 29/12/2006 22:07

wiem ze medycyna w stanach jest na najwyzszym poziomie ale raczej wade niezagra
"Miło spotkania w Chicago nie będzie wspominał pochodzący z tych okolic Dwayne Wade. W pierwszej kwarcie po starciu na zasłonie z Kirkiem Hinrichem doznał urazu nadgarstka i więcej nie pojawił się na parkiecie. "Czułem się tak jakby mój nadgarstek został wyciągnięty. Strasznie bolało." powiedział Wade "
ten mecz niedecyduje o mistrzostwie wiec na sile niebedzie wade gral
Posted by: hooltek

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 29/12/2006 22:23

Miami powazne oslabienia,ale mimo to i tak gram an Miami,Nets sa zupelnie bez formy do tego atut wlasnego boiska..ale w tym meczu bardzo prawdopodobny under 184,5
Posted by: Baqu

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 29/12/2006 23:05

chcecie sobie poczyać o kontuzjach ? \:\)

Atlanta Hawks

Tyronn Lue (groin) and Lorenzen Wright (ankle) may play on Friday night. Wright tweaked his ankle in Friday's practice and if he can't go, look for newly acquired Slava Medvedenko to get thrown in the fire tonight. There was an erroneous report in a Detroit paper that Mike Woodson and Marvin Williams had a shouting match earlier in the week, but it was Shelden Williams who was involved, and not Marvin. And it wasn't much of a shouting match, so both players' roles should not be impacted by the incident. Joe Johnson looks tired to me, and a step slow, which is evidenced by his 22 total points in his last two games. Hopefully he gets back on track tonight against the Rockets.

Boston Celtics

Delonte West sounds like he'll play through a back injury tonight and should be the starting point guard for the Celtics going forward. He's probably available in your league, and if he shows signs of getting it going, look into picking him up if you need a point guard. Wally Szczerbiak could move back into the starting lineup tonight, which would push Tony Allen to the bench. I still like Allen, especially with Wally's shaky health, but his production will likely take a hit with the move.

Charlotte Bobcats

Brevin Knight will be out for a month with a groin injury, so Raymond Felton should continue to be a fine fantasy point guard the rest of the way.

Chicago Bulls

The Bulls want the Heat's James Posey suspended for his violent take down of Luol Deng on Wednesday. The play resulted in a wrist injury for Deng, who is now questionable for his next two games. Two fingers on his shooting hand were extremely swollen on Thursday, in addition to the pain in his wrist. "Whether he can play in the next few days is going to be determined by if he can get any extension in his wrist," GM John Paxson said. Deng is to undergo an MRI at some point, but he traveled to Toronto early in hopes of avoiding problems at customs, as he's a British citizen and has had trouble in the past. Deng's rookie season ended when he had surgery to repair a torn ligament in the same wrist in April 2005.

Cleveland Cavaliers

Zydrunas Ilgauskas is averaging 18.0 points and 9.3 rebounds in his past four games. He was nearly left for dead in a lot of fantasy leagues, but has it going now. Like most big men, Big Z can be a bit of a slow starter. He's not likely to keep averaging those types of numbers all season, but should be reliable enough to be in starting lineups for most fantasy teams going forward.

Dallas Mavericks

Jason Terry exploded for 35 points last night, hitting five threes and dropping eight dimes along the way, and Dirk Nowitzki hit the game-winning shot as the Mavericks beat the Suns on Thursday. Terry has suddenly caught fire, so ride him while he's hot. DeSagana Diop suffered a head injury, but he shouldn't be playing for your fantasy team anyway.

Denver Nuggets

The Nuggets were able to fly out of Denver last night and will play the Hornets in Oklahoma City on Friday. Nene missed last night's game with swelling in his knee and his status for tonight is unknown, although he did make the trip, which is a good sign. Reggie Evans had nine points and 18 rebounds last night, just missing his third straight double-double, while Allen Iverson had 44 points and 10 assists in another win. AI also had nine turnovers, but who's counting? Earl Boykins continued his strong play with 24 points last night, so you hopefully picked him up and played him this week. Ride him for another 10 days and then look to sell high on him.

The news on Marcus Camby isn't good, as he missed his third straight game on Thursday and won't be making the trip to Oklahoma City for Friday's game against the Hornets. "No timetable," Camby said of a return date. "It's only been a week, and my hand is still broken. It hurts every time I shoot." So much for the original declaration that he was "game-to-game." Evans should continue to excel in his absence, for however long that's going to be. Jamal Sampson got a start last night, but I'm not sold on him coming close to having value.

Detroit Pistons

The Pacers visit Detroit on Friday, as the Pistons are still reeling from an uncharacteristic late breakdown against the Knicks in Wednesday's triple-overtime thriller. Chauncey Billups failed to be Mr. Bigshot for once, holding the ball too long and nearly letting the shot clock expire before hoisting up a desperation shot at crucial point in overtime. He also fouled Stephon Marbury on a late 3-point attempt and both actions allowed the Knicks to force a third overtime. Look for Billups to exact some revenge on the Pacers tonight.

Golden St. Warriors

The Warriors host the Celtics tonight, but I don't expect Monta Ellis or Troy Murphy to play. Matt Barnes has a history with the Celtics, so he could go off again tonight. I like Barnes and even support picking him up in fantasy leagues, but he'll eventually cool off and not have much value if and when the Warriors get back to full strength. But he looks like a nice play for Friday.

Houston Rockets

Tracy McGrady and his back specialist, John Patterson, are declaring him healthy again. Patterson has several high-profile clients in addition to TMac, including John Smoltz, Andy Roddick and Terrell Owens, but I'm not convinced McGrady is out of the woods just yet. Shane Battier is on fire and should continue to be in the absence of Yao Ming. Pick him up, but beware that Houston's schedule isn't that great if weekly games played matter to you. They go 3-4-3-2-3 over the next five weeks.

Indiana Pacers

My source in Indy says that Jermaine O'Neal should be back in the starting lineup for the Pacers tonight after missing his last game with an illness. Stephen Jackson missed practice on Thursday with knee soreness, but isn't expected to miss any time.

L.A. Clippers

After inquiring about the availability of the Clippers' Corey Maggette, the Kings never got back to them about a deal that would have sent Ron Artest to L.A. The Clippers are now pursuing deals with other teams, and it's possible that Maggette will be moved and the moody Artest will stay in Sacramento. The two teams face each other on Friday night, but an Artest for Maggette deal sounds like it might be dead. Meanwhile, Tim Thomas has suddenly caught fire and appears to be entrenched in the starting lineup. The Clippers schedule isn't all that great either, but Thomas looks worthy of a fantasy roster spot right now. The Clippers go 4-3-3-4-3 over the next five weeks and Thomas has scored 20-plus points in two of his last three games. He was terrible before this hot stretch, so take it with a grain of salt.

L.A. Lakers

Phil Jackson was waxing poetic on Thursday, comically ripping Vladimir Radmanovic and Kwame Brown, although I doubt they thought his comments were funny. He called Vlad Rad a "space cadet" and insinuated that he was clueless in the triangle offense, usually only worrying about getting his shots. He then insinuated that Kwame Brown only tried when his number was called, but that he usually turns the ball over when he gets a chance to succeed. I don't think either player is in the doghouse, as Phil was probably just trying to motivate them. Sasha Vujacic sprained an ankle in practice yesterday and is questionable tonight, while Luke Walton sat out with a sore knee. Walton's production has fallen off, and even though he's expected to play tonight, I'd recommend getting him out of your lineup (and possibly off your roster).

Memphis Grizzlies

The Grizzlies fired Mike Fratello on Thursday and little known director of player personnel, Tony Barone, was named interim coach for the rest of the season. One of the reasons the Czar was fired was his reluctance to hand the reins over to younger players, so this is likely bad news for guys like Chucky Atkins, Eddie Jones, Damon Stoudamire and Stromile Swift, while you have to keep a close eye on Hakim Warrick, Rudy Gay and Alexander Johnson going forward (and Kyle Lowry when he returns from his broken wrist).

Miami Heat

The official word out of Miami is that Dwyane Wade is listed as questionable for Friday's game, saying his wrist feels "out of place," but I will be surprised if he plays. The Herald says that Wade could "also" miss Saturday's game at Orlando with the right wrist injury, which makes it sound like he's probably not going tonight. A second round of MRI's taken Thursday revealed no structural damage, but Wade said after the game his wrist felt like it was ''out of place.'' He said it had no strength and that he couldn't shoot. It is the same hand Wade had problems with during the summer with the U.S. national team. If he can't go, look for Dorell Wright, Jason Kapono and Jason Williams to all have a big game against the Nets tonight. Unfortunately, I've been hinting at a Wade injury coming for a few weeks now, as every time I look up he's wincing in pain on his back. Maybe a couple days off will make him better later in the season. Then again, he's D-Wade and may not even miss tonight's game.

James Posey has been suspended for tonight's game against the Nets due to his flagrant foul on Luol Deng on Wednesday. He's getting a reputation as a thug, and most of the pain he's inflicted has been on the Bulls over the past two seasons.

Milwaukee Bucks

The Bucks have somehow won six straight and nine of their last 12 games and visit the Cavaliers tonight. If Charlie Bell stays in the starting lineup, and I think he will, he deserves a look for fantasy use. Ruben Patterson was nice in his last game, finally recovering from the flu, so the two players could be switched in and out of the starting five based on matchups. But for now, I think Bell is the starter.

Minnesota Timberwolves

Mike James' wife was supposed to have a baby on Thursday, but he says he's playing tonight. That's what I'm talking about. There is nothing more frustrating than having your guys miss games when they're not injured. And yes, I have three kids and was there for the birth of all four, but if I was lucky enough to be a professional athlete, I would find a way to be at every game. Of course, it's a little different for a first child, or if there are complications, but you know what I'm saying. The Wolves host the Sonics and (hopefully) new dad Ray Allen tonight.

NOK Hornets

I sound like a broken record, but Jannero Pargo, Rasual Butler and Desmond Mason are all nice pickups right now. Friday's breaking news is that Chris Paul will reportedly miss a month of time with his severely sprained right ankle. Before the news broke, I wrote here that I thought he'd be out for two weeks, but it's even worse. The Hornets were originally saying 2-4 games, but if you saw the injury, it was apparent that was a very optimistic guess on their part.

I have a trade on the table to send Elton Brand out for Chris Paul in League Freak. I am desperate for a point guard and with Tim Duncan, Caron Butler, Andre Iguodala and Gerald Wallace, I think I could afford to lose Brand. I'm trying to move one of my triplets for a point guard though, as Butler, Wallace and Iggy all do the same, wonderful things. I have a lot of offers out there, and the latest news on Paul just killed this deal. I am one game out of first in that league, so I am leery of screwing with my chemistry, but if I could somehow land Steve Nash, it would be over.

New York Knicks

Quentin Richardson could return from a back injury tonight. He's been out the last five games and the tired Knicks could use him. It will be interesting to see who Isiah puts in the starting five when Richardson returns. I imagine he lost his job to Jamal Crawford while he was out.

Orlando Magic

Hedo Turkoglu sat out Thursday's practice with back spasms. He just returned from an ankle injury and is expected to play tonight.

Philadelphia 76ers

Willie Green probably won't play again tonight with a calf injury, making this three straight missed games since the Iverson trade. I still think he's going to be a nice fantasy player this season, but he has no current value since he's hurt. And he can be cut because there are likely productive players with similar potential available on your wire. Chris Webber will look to bounce back at Portland tonight. He's been dreadful in his last two games and looks like he'd rather be at a Clay Aiken concert than playing for the Sixers every night. But I suspect even Webber would rather sit on the bench for the Sixers than attend a Taylor Hicks show.

Phoenix Suns

The Suns fell to Dallas on Thursday and Shawn Marion was less than spectacular. Crap-tacular is more like it, but he'll be fine. The Suns just have too many weapons for Marion to go off every night. Boris Diaw also appears to have hit a wall, while Jumaine Jones has suddenly caught fire. Don't waste your time on Jones though, as his crawl back into his hole in the next couple games. At least, he should.

Portland Trailblazers

There's a lot of talk out there about Brandon Roy killing Jarrett Jack's fantasy value. Yes, Roy could hurt his production some, but in my eyes, Jack is the point guard and Roy is the shooting guard. Stick it out with Jack until I'm proven wrong.

Sacramento Kings

Ron Artest, Kevin Martin and Shareef Abdur-Rahim are all questionable for tonight's game at the Clippers. Artest banged knees with Alan Henderson against the Sixers on Wednesday and didn't practice yesterday. Martin sat out practice with the flu, but should play, while SAR should be back from an illness as well. If Artest is out, look for John Salmons to flirt with another trip-dub, and for Martin to score about 40. And don't look now, but Mike Bibby may be on the verge of turning it around after hitting 9-of-15 shots in his last game and looking crisp.

San Antonio Spurs

All the previously ill players (Manu Ginobili, Matt Bonner, Brent Barry) returned for the Spurs last night as they easily handled the Jazz. Robert Horry was a surprise starter for injured center Francisco Elson, meaning Fabricio Oberto came off the bench. Horry had seven points, seven boards, three steals, a block and a three, and could end up having value in very deep leagues if he can stay in the starting lineup.

Seattle Sonics

Ray Allen was out due to the birth of his son, Wallace Reese, last night, so Damien Wilkins made the most of another start with a career night. Wilkins had 26 points, four boards, four assists, five steals, a block and a three in the loss to the Nuggets. I was mad earlier in the week when he landed in one of my weekly lineups, but with Allen and Rashard Lewis out last night, he came through. Earl Watson should be a better play going forward, including for tonight's game, when Allen is expected in Minnesota. He's making his way there today after not traveling with the team to Denver. Mickael Gelebale suffered a back injury last night and is questionable for tonight's game.

Toronto Raptors

I have no new news on Chris Bosh, other than he's hoping to return on Wednesday, Jan. 3. The good news is that that's the first game of the week for the Raptors, so he could be played in a weekly league if you're feeling lucky.

Utah Jazz

Andrei Kirilenko played through a mild concussion last night, but struggled with just six points and six boards in the loss to the Spurs. The whole team looked flat, as Carlos Boozer failed to hit double figures in both points and boards, marking the first time he's not recorded at least a "10" in one of the two categories this season.

Washington Wizards

The Wizards will host the Magic tonight as the three-headed monster of Gilbert Arenas, Antawn Jamison and Caron Butler should continue to rack it up for fantasy owners.

Hornets' Chris Paul to miss a month
Chris Paul - G - NO - Dec. 29 - 1:45 p.m. ET
Chris Paul is going to miss about four weeks with his severely sprained ankle.
We told you when it happened it sounded like it might be a "monther," to steal a term from TNT's Reggie Miller. Jannero Pargo and Bobby Jackson (when he returns) will handle the point guard duties for the Hornets, so look into picking Pargo up if you're desperate for a point guard. The Hornets originally said he'd miss 2-4 games, but an MRI revealed the injury was as serious as we originally thought.Dec. 29 - 1:45 p.m. ET

ames Posey suspended one game
James Posey - G/F - MIA - Dec. 29 - 1:49 p.m. ET
James Posey has been suspended for Friday's game against the Nets after Wednesday's flagrant foul on the Bulls' Luol Deng.
Deng could miss a couple games with a wrist injury and the Bulls' John Paxson and Scott Skiles lobbied heavily for this suspension. The Heat and Bulls play two more times this season, and their matchups are quickly becoming the best rivalry in the East. Dwyane Wade was injured in the same game, with Pat Riley and Wade hinting that Kirk Hinrich intentionally hurt the superstar. Stay tuned.Dec. 29 - 1:49 p.m. ET

Ray Allen expected to join Sonics Friday
Ray Allen - G - SEA - Dec. 29 - 11:42 a.m. ET
Ray Allen was expected in Minnesota for Friday's game after witnessing the birth of a son, Walker Reese, on Thursday.
This is great news for Allen owners, who are still trying to recover from losing his fantasy production against the Nuggets on Thursday night.Dec. 29 - 11:42 a.m. ET
Source: Seattle Times

Ron Artest questionable for Friday
Ron Artest - F - SAC - Dec. 29 - 11:35 a.m. ET
Ron Artest sat out Thursday's practice with a new knee injury.
Eric Musselman said Artest collided with the 76ers' Alan Henderson on Wednesday and suffered a bruise above his left knee, leaving him questionable for tonight's game.Dec. 29 - 11:35 a.m. ET
Source: Sacramento Bee

Dwyane Wade remains questionable
Dwyane Wade - G - MIA - Dec. 29 - 11:04 a.m. ET
Dwyane Wade is listed as questionable for Friday's game, saying his wrist feels "out of place," but we'd be surprised if he plays.
The Miami Herald says that Wade could "also" miss Saturday's game at Orlando with the right wrist injury, leading us to believe he might be out tonight. A second round of MRI's taken Thursday revealed no structural damage, but Wade said after the game his wrist felt like it was ''out of place.'' He said it had no strength and that he couldn't shoot. It is the same hand Wade had problems with during the summer with the U.S. national team. If he can't go, look for Dorell Wright, Jason Kapono and Jason Williams to all have a big game against the Nets tonight. Dec. 29 - 11:04 a.m. ET
Source: Miami Herald

Jermaine O'Neal should play Friday
Jermaine O'Neal - F/C - IND - Dec. 29 - 11:48 a.m. ET
A source close to the Pacers confirmed that Jermaine O'Neal is expected to be in the starting lineup for the Pacers on Friday.
This comes with no guarantees, but it sounds like he can be put back into fantasy lineups after missing his last game with a virus.Dec. 29 - 11:48 a.m. ET

Kevin Martin - G/F - Kings
Kevin Martin sat out Thursday's practice, still struggling with a flu bug.
He's expected to play tonight against the Clippers, and should have a big game, especially if Ron Artest is out with a bruised knee.
Dec. 29 - 11:37 a.m. ET

Shareef Abdur-Rahim - F/C - Kings
Shareef Abdur-Rahim, who missed Wednesday's game because of illness, continues to recover but is probable to face the Clippers on Friday.
He and Kenny Thomas will go back to splitting minutes, meaning both guys have marginal fantasy value, at best.
Dec. 29 - 11:33 a.m. ET
Source: Sacramento Bee

Quentin Richardson - G/F - Knicks
Quentin Richardson could return from a back injury for tonight's game at Phoenix.
The Knicks are going to be tired after Wednesday's triple-overtime win and a red-eye flight to Phoenix, so getting a rested Richardson back could help. He's missed the past five games with the injury.
Dec. 29 - 11:22 a.m. ET
Source: New York Post

pewnie wielu to pomoże... wielu sie nie do czyta... moge to czesciej wklejac jeżeli będzie zapotrzebowanie... tylko nie wiem czy jest sens

Posted by: KIDD

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 29/12/2006 23:19

Jeśli będziesz od razu tłumaczył jak nabradziej. \:\)
Posted by: Baqu

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 29/12/2006 23:22

życia mi zabraknie \:\)
Posted by: KIDD

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 29/12/2006 23:28

Nie no oczywiście żartuję. Wie ktos dlaczego zablokowali np w Sportingbecie mecz Toronto - Chicago. Zagrałem wcześniej na Chicago (-2.5) a teraz się troszkę martwię, bo nie wiem co za informację buki dostały.
Posted by: RyanGiggs

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 30/12/2006 00:00

dzis szybko bo nie ma czasu

teaserek z nba

Basketball - NBA - 520 Phoenix Suns -7.5 buying 5 point(s) for Game

Basketball - NBA - 505 Chicago Bulls +1 buying 5 point(s) for Game

Basketball - NBA - 514 Minnesota Timberwolves -3.5 buying 5 point(s) for Game

Basketball - NBA - 515 Denver Nuggets +1 buying 5 point(s) for Game

Basketball - NBA - Atlanta Hawks / Houston Rockets Total O +172.5 buying 5 point(s) for Game

Basketball - NBA - 510 Miami Heat +8.5 buying 5 point(s) for Game

I dodatkowo glownej danie wieczoru
Posted by: RyanGiggs

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 30/12/2006 00:17

Wczoraj: 1-0 (+9.1)

Bilans: 37-28 (+122.9)

stawka dla teasera wyzej 10/10
kurs teasera: 6,0

stawka dubla (Lakers+Wizard) wyzej 10/10
kurs dubla: 1.45*1.38=2,0

Poza tym na sam wieczor trzeba chyba dac tez grubo(ja puszcze to sobie pozniej w zaleznosci od tego co mi dzis wejdzie )
Sacramento 2.4 stake 10/10
Ja rozumiem ze wyjazd ale...Sac bedzie w pelnym skladzie(przynajmniej wg sportsline) Cassel w Klipach pod znakiem zapytania. Juz nie mowie o tym ze Klipy sa raczej w dolku a wygrana z Houston czy Bostonem tego obrazu mi na pewno nie zamydli. Tak czy siak Sacramento ma zdecydowanie lepszy sklad od Klipow co ostatnio sie mocno potwierdza w 14 ostatnio wygranych pojedynkach z Klimpami czy to u siebie czy na wyjezdzie i 19 z 20 ostatnich...wystawiajac kursy 2.4 buki chyba licza na slaba gre graczy ktorzy niby w niektorych serwisach sa Questionable ale nie wiem czym to jest spowodowane , Artest gral caly chyba mecz ostatni , Martin 20 min chyba a Abdur Rahim wraca do skladu. Takze po 2,4 to chyba spore value i ja to biore z pocalowanie reki
Posted by: RyanGiggs

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 30/12/2006 00:39

Baqu jeszcze jakbys mogl podac zrodelko tych kontuzji \:\)
Posted by: Baqu

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 30/12/2006 01:13

source - źródło \:\) przecież masz
Posted by: kolo z.g

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 30/12/2006 06:43

No to Panowie udało się...
Mam nadzieję, że to dopiero początek...
Pozdrawiam i do "usłyszenia"...
Posted by: Bodzio_KSG

Re: NBA 29/12/2006 - 30/12/2006 07:25

No i jak napisalem wczoraj Chicago chyba bez wiekszych klopotow pokonalo Toronto i tym samym bylo to ich 16 kolejne zwyciestwo nad tym rywalem.
Ci co grali na Miami chyba sie zawiedli ale brak Wade i Shaqa (od dluzszego czasu) robis swoje - bez tej dwojki ta druzyna nieistnieje.

Ja w sumie wczoraj przejechalem sie tylko na Detroit - no ale coż, mówi sie trudno i gra dalej.